Did you make one? C'mon...be honest. If you're like most people you make a promise to yourself that you can't keep. That's okay. It doesn't make you a bad person. We just all break into a new year with the best of intentions. How about making a promise to yourself…
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A 32 year old mother of 3 young boys goes on a diet, gets herself in phenomenal shape, shows off the results of her efforts, seeks to inspire the cupcake eating fatties among us to get off the couch and do the same and in turn gets vilified on social…
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It's Sunday. Not just any Sunday, but it's Father's day. With the brunch over, the cards read and the new socks tucked away, it's time for some content publication. Why? Because I have to. In order to stay relevant I have to continue to publish as much content on as…
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Inspired leaders think from the inside out. Simon Sinek has codified a very simple, but amazingly brilliant tenet. I could write a long 1,000 word post here but I won't. Because I think it's more important that you watch this video 2 or 3 times and take notes. I watch…
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"Every Black Superhero Needs A Theme Song" - John Slade "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka" circa 1998 I bet you landed here expecting to read the same old, boring "about me" page. While you still may find it boring, you won't find my story ordinary. I'll excuse you if you…
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