“I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.” ― Frederick Douglass That's a powerful quote. I try to live by it. I have to admit that sometimes it's very hard…
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It's Sunday. Not just any Sunday, but it's Father's day. With the brunch over, the cards read and the new socks tucked away, it's time for some content publication. Why? Because I have to. In order to stay relevant I have to continue to publish as much content on as…
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Inspired leaders think from the inside out. Simon Sinek has codified a very simple, but amazingly brilliant tenet. I could write a long 1,000 word post here but I won't. Because I think it's more important that you watch this video 2 or 3 times and take notes. I watch…
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