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Jimmy Fallon Connects The Tonight Show With Social Media

By February 19, 2014February 25th, 2021

fallonAs Jimmy Fallon launches his version of the Tonight Show, you can’t deny that in addition to his awesome talent on stage, Fallon knows how to use social media to his benefit.

From his use and parody of hashstags to the implementation of the official Tonight Show app, social media is a big part of his success. 

As with Andy Cohen, Ellen, and a handful of other television celebs, Fallon knows how to use his 11 million large Twitter following to help drive interest and viewership to his show.

He’s taken social television to another level. Fallon in fact credits social media in part for his success:

”I can’t tell you what social media has done for our show… It’s a way of reaching fans that no one ever dreamt possible. I can actually connect with you – through the web. I love your notes back, when you say you like something or you don’t like something. Haters gonna hate, but I don’t mind it. I don’t care if you say something you don’t like – be honest. I really appreciate your thoughts on this. Let’s do it together. And, let’s make a show we all like.” 

Barry Cunningham

Author Barry Cunningham

Barry Cunningham is an antagonist of conventional wisdom. Check out our case studies. They will give you an idea how we help brands & businesses amplify their conversion and lead gen campaigns by deploying digital advertising campaigns at scale. And I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter.

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