The Challenge
Getting people to experience a hotel property allows the property to sell itself. Think about your favorite vacations…chances are you remember where you stayed an how you were treated. And if you have a great experience you come back and you tell your friends. (gotta love social media)
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How Was It Executed?
1. We created a video contest where the participant was required to make a video telling us why they wanted to come to Cheeca Lodge & Spa
2. We uploaded a list of past guests of the hotel and created a LookALike audience from that list to ensure we were targeting an audience that met the profile of the type of person we wanted to participate
Takeaway Learned?
We knew from other clients that video contests bring in a much higher quality of participant. If you require people to make an effort a few things happen.
What Do We Do?
We Build Promotions And Campaigns That:
- Can Be Created And Up And Running In As Little As 48 Hours
- Drive Substantial Brand Awareness
- All You To Create Viable Custom Audiences For Ongoing Remarketing (you can’t do that with traditional media)
- Stimulate Immediate Sales
And we do this for a fraction of what you’d pay for a local television, radio, or newspaper campaign.

Facebook Products Used In This Promotion
- Geo-Targeted Custom Audiences
- Conversion Tracking
- Lookalike Audiences
- Custom Conversions
- Video (1250×1250) / (1080×1920)
- Facebook Messenger Automation
- Auto-to-Manual Bidding Sequencing
We're Ready When You Are!
It'll Be Like Nothing You've Ever Seen. We're That Confident!
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