2 Easy Tweaks To Generate More Revenue We all want more clients, customers, and sales. If you want a way to immediately see a bump in sales, give these 2 tweaks a try today. Actionable info to help you increase revenue.
The Best Social Media Agency In West Palm Beach! I thought I'd claim that title. Why? Because I bring results...measurable results, to my clientele. Forget television, radio, and print advertising (btw...what's a newspaper???). It's all about digital video marketing! I was at a conference with my buddy, Dennis Yu and…
Update: This post was originally published in 2015, and is being re-published with updated information on October 17, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Have you visited a news site recently or a blog that holds it out to be a news portal? If so, chances are you're inundated with ads. It seems that…
The Beginning of My Social Media Journey I have been a fully immersed user of social media since the early days. I watched Facebook grow beyond epic proportions. I've been using social media so long that I remember when people actually talked to each other on Twitter. Like a high…
How Big Is Video On Facebook? Video on social media has exploded. That last sentence might actually be a bit of an understatement. Why? Consider the data from a recent jaw-dropping study. "By 2019, 80% of the world's Internet traffic will be to video! Video content accounted for an impressive 64%…
I'm not sure if you've seen this before but I'm reposting with a bit of an update. Don’t Bother Pulling The Horse! if he won’t drink the water…leave him be I penned this article over on Medium over 2 and a half years ago and recently I've run into the…
A lot of people can cook. It doesn't take much skill to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Takes less to boil an egg. I'm sure everyone reading this has flipped a burger or two. However, it takes a LOT more experience and culinary competence to actually become a chef. Becoming…
According to the Bible, Judas Iscariot was one of the original 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. He is the man who betrayed Jesus Christ for a few measly silver coins. Like the Biblical Judas, the Judas goat is a betrayer as well. It's an animal that's proficient in herding. The…
In 1984, the German new wave group, Alphaville, dropped the pop culture standard titled "Forever Young". The somewhat foreboding song talks about living in the moment. Living life without ever taking tomorrow for granted, because so much is out of our control, that there's really no guarantee of a tomorrow.…
I'm not a friggin lead! I will never be a lead. Got it? Anyone that reaches out to me in the manner of a cold call doesn't understand that I'm not a lead and they don't grasp the concept of social media! Who am I talking to? Anyone, and everyone,…
Lately I find myself becoming quite bored with social media. The noise, the contempt, the "it's all about me" attitudes, and the lack of true interaction is souring me. And this from someone who absolutely loves the idea of all of us being able to globally communicate at the click…
I love investing in real estate. Donald Trump was right. It's the thrill of working the "Art of the Deal" and making a handsome profit on a deal well done. A few years back, I had a pretty successful real estate investing business and a pretty popular online radio show.…
Marketing has evolved so fast in the digital era that many major brands and agencies are finding it very hard to keep up. The quote above by Seth Godin was said over 6 years ago! Think about that for a second. In 2009 he declared the demise of traditional advertising.…
I know...that's a pretty bold headline. I realize it may be wishful thinking, but after what I witnessed, hopefully we're not that far off from seeing it happen. Target Shows The Future Of Commercials Did you watch the 2015 Grammys? In my opinion, it was quite boring. Losts of pomp,…